Moto: And God said: "Let there be Rock!"
And he saw that it was gooood...
I officially proclaim this day to be the Rock Day. At least on my blog. Hence, I will mercilessly add some videos/links of songs that I listen to bright and early today. So, without further ado, I bring to you:
Short introduction: Linkin Park, meet reader. Reader, meet Linkin Park.
Si ca sa nu aliniez aici toata discografia lor, o sa inchei cu:
Sa nu aveti impresia ca asta e tot rock-ul pe care il "stiu", nu ca as fi eu nu stiu ce rocker inrait, dar mai am piese favorite si de la Disturbed, System of a Down ori Godsmack, numai ca nu astea mi-au venit in minte atunci cand am simtit nevoia sa ma/va rockuiesc un pic.
Puteti considera asta un preambul la ce o sa postez in "playlist-ul" de pe sidebar cand o sa am un pic de timp si chef. Sper sa va placa selectia...
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