Thursday, February 16, 2012

Good-bye, my little friend!

Hope there's such a thing as a hamster heaven, because I wish my little friend is there, happily chewing on carrots and other goodies, along with his (Dutch) pals. I didn't even know how much I cared about my pet hamster until this morning. The site of him brought tears in my eyes and I really felt like I lost not just a pet or companion, but a little friend, one that I enjoyed looking after.

I can only hope that I have provided him with all the care, attention and love that he needed and that somehow, he was able to feel it and understand it.

Two nights ago, while I was holding him in my hand and petting him, he shifted his head and really looked at me. I could feel his stare even though my head was turned. I looked at him and his small black beady eyes were looking up at my face. I don't know what they meant. Maybe a small plea, maybe a "can you feel my pain?", or, dare I say, "thank you for everything?".

It may seem stupid to many of you to reminisce about my pet hamster, but then you really shouldn't be reading my blog. This hamster really made my life happier and I will not forget him, just like I haven't forgotten my other two before him. He will always have a special place in my memories and heart.

I will miss you!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure he knew how much you loved him!

cAnDYman said...

Thank you for the kind words.

Ralu said...

ioooi imi pare rau de el :(

cAnDYman said...

Asta e... Pe cat de mic, pe atat de important...