Tuesday, July 31, 2007

No future for true politics...

How many of you people know who or what or where you’re going? How many of you can say for sure where you will find yourselves in…I don’t know…1-2 years? Many of you don’t even take a minute to think about it. Others won’t even live to answer that and some of you just don’t care.

Well, I do! The problem is that when you think about the future, the future keeps changing as you go through life and live it. This is, perhaps, why we can’t seem to achieve what we planned or we are sometimes surprised by the outcome of our actions.

I try not to be too pesimistic about my future or this country’s future, but it is hard to do that when you see what type of leaders we have: a sailor that doesn’t know much about politics, diplomacy or…intelligence for that matter, actually, a sailor that doesn’t know much about anything but his lust for power; a minister that cares more about his financial well-being than about the people dying in the streets; some very well known politicians that wouldn’t give up their big, fat paychecks to save a new born baby or to think for one second that it is not they that should be the focus of their activity, but we, the people. We, who work hard and earn little or nothing, while they become millionaires and insure their offsprings a life without a single care in the world.

I so hate the politicians of this country! Their goals are petty and with clear disregard of what the 20 million inhabitants wish or want. The only things they do to please us are the very things that they hope to later become reasons to vote them. So they can sit in their luxurious leather chairs and push buttons to pass laws without even knowing what they stand for.

There are no “bright heads”, no politician that can make a difference or that can change my mind about who or what they are. They are nothing but selfish bastards trying to live well and to take profit from our hard work while they stand back and watch us die.

Maybe this is a scenario for countries all around the Globe, but at least it is not those politicians I see on the TV smiling and lying through their teeth about how they care and what they plan to do to make their country a better place to live and work.

The level of corruption is almost defying any logics and I am surprised that Romanians have nothing to say about it. And even if we would, it will take a lot more than one or two “insurgents” to stand up for our rights because the roots of this political Mafia go very deep and it is very powerfull.

Make no mistakes! I’m not saying anything new! This is something that many people thought and said something about for some years now, but the results are obvious: nothing changed. And nothing will change as long as we so foolishly take sides in this political struggle for power and we take pride of the fact that this party did this for us and that party didn’t do anything for the people.
All of you that think you know something about politics…WAKE THE FUCK UP! There is no political party that has ever done something for us because it was in OUR best interest, but because it served THEIR purpose! And if you don’t understand that, you are either dellusional or too stupid to be alive and I wonder how you surived this long!

Anyway, this is something that won’t change and it will stay like this for many years to come. I wish I had something to say about that, but saying is not enough and that’s all I can try right now. Maybe one day…people will wake up…and then we will have a REAL revolution. By the people, for the people. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait too long!

One more thing: Romania is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, but it's a shame that it has the leaders it has and that it doesn't have the power to change that!

PS: how can you tell the difference between a dog that was run over on the highway and a politician? - There are brake marks near the dog!

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